Preached at Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
July 21, 2013
God gave me a song on Tuesday of last week as I thought
about Yearly Meeting. I hummed it
cheerfully and worshipfully, and then realized I was singing this: “It’s time
to play the music, It’s time to light the lights, It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight. It’s time to put on makeup, It’s
time to dress up right, It’s time to get things started on the Muppet Show
tonight.” As I chuckled over the
incongruity of this song with the seriousness of our purposes here this week, I
moved on in my mind to this line: “Why do we always come here, I guess we’ll
never know, It’s like a kind of torture To have to watch the show.”
The Muppet Show included so many divergent personalities and
agendas (I think particularly of Sam the Eagle and Gonzo the improbable Turkey)
and frequently incorporated explosions, unexpected intrusions, diversions and
I began to think we might be able sincerely and worshipfully
to open YM sessions with the Muppet theme song and that the Muppet Show might be
an appropriate metaphor for the part of the Body of Christ called Northwest
Yearly Meeting of Friends. We are all part of the show—performers, organizers,
audience—all brought together to participate in the kingdom of God together—perhaps
even to party together. (I plead with you to see me as Kermit, not Miss Piggy.)
The incongruity between who we actually are and the way God sees us working
together as part of the one Body of Christ is worth a response of laughter and
an even more important response of awe and wonder and gratitude.
At least one of the times Jesus showed up after his death
and burial, he made a point of displaying his wounds to prove his identity. The
glorified physical body of Jesus still carries those wounds. The Church is the body of Jesus in the world
since the ascension; this is both a metaphor and a spiritual truth. We too, the
body of Christ spiritually, carry wounds, and we count on the power of the
resurrection to glorify us and our wounds to bring glory to God. This is one way the Church reflects the
resurrected Jesus—wounds abound, yet through these shine the glory.
An Old Testament picture that points to this truth is the
story of Gideon, the pitchers of Gideon’s small army with the torches inside,
which the warriors broke to reveal the hidden light. A New Testament picture is the cracked pots
of Paul—1 Cor 4:5-7—“we publicize not ourselves but the chosen and anointed
messenger of God, Jesus, our owner; and we are your servants to further Jesus’s
interests. Because God, who commanded
the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to enlighten us,
to give us the truth that the face of Jesus Christ shows us the glory, the
praiseworthiness of God. And we have this storehouse of truth in frail clay
containers so that the excellence, the superiority of the power, the energy to
do good things, may be recognized as God’s, not ours.”
And we share in St. Paul’s personal experience: “that in my weakness,
God’s Grace is sufficient, that God’s strength is made perfect through
weakness, and I can glory, I can rejoice that I am weak, broken, infirm,
wounded so that the power, the energy of Christ may enter into me and take
possession of me. Therefore I willingly
choose weakness, lack of capacity, insults, calamities, harassments and
persecutions, entrapment, and anguish in order to advance Jesus’s interests.
For when I am powerless, then I am strong and able to accomplish good things.”
(2 Cor. 9-10)
The cracks in our clay are how Jesus gets into us and how
Jesus shines out of us. This is true
individually, and it is true of our lives together.
Sometimes we are actually blind to how Jesus uses our
weaknesses or those of other people to advance His purposes. Like Paul, we want Jesus to fix us up so we
can do more for Jesus, as we see it. We
also want Jesus to remove the horrible flaws in those around us so that we
don’t have to deal with them and we don’t have any conflict. And yet what we have just read suggests that
Jesus has other purposes for where we come up short of our ideal as individuals
or together.
Remember that together, Christians are the body of Christ on
earth since Jesus physically ascended.
Jesus is the Head of this body—not the executive director, not the CEO,
not the president, not the superintendent, not even the Presiding Clerk, but
the actual brains of the outfit. Jesus
chooses who is included in his body.
Jesus chooses. The rest of us do
what we’re told by the Head. And yet, we
are weak and we see through a glass darkly, and we run headlong into
conflict. What then?
Paul speaks to our condition. 1 Cor 11:17-19, 31-33: “Now
this I am telling you is no commendation, namely that you come together, not
usefully, making things better, but instead making things worse. I hear that when you gather publicly as a
church, there are divisions, tears, schisms among you, and I partly believe it,
because there must be dissension, diversity of opinion and aims, so that those
who are authentic and genuine, full of integrity, will be recognized and known
among you…If we would just doubt ourselves, be willing to question our own
opinions and aims, if we would just judge ourselves, we would not be judged or
censured. But when we are judged or censured, God trains and disciplines us so
that we will not be condemned as alienated from God. Therefore, when you come
together to celebrate Jesus’s death and resurrection, and to commune with God,
wait for each other to catch up.” Wait for each other to catch up.
This reminds me of some lines from a love song by Bruce
Springsteen: “if as we’re walking a hand should slip free, I’ll wait for you,
and if I fall behind, wait for me…So let’s make our steps clear that the other
may see, and I’ll wait for you, if I should fall behind, wait for me.”
1 Cor. 12:3-7, 12-27
“I tell you, no one can say ‘Jesus is the Lord, Jesus is the
person to whom all things belong, Jesus is the person to whom I belong, Jesus
is my Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.
“There are distinct gifts, charismas, but only one Holy
Spirit gives them. And there are diverse ways of serving others, but only one
Lord Jesus directs the servants. And
there are distinct, diverse kinds of works, but only one God works all God’s
works in and through individuals and groups. But the Spirit is obviously
present in each person to help individually and to bring people together usefully
to make things better.
“For as a body is one and at the same time has many members,
and all the members of that body, though there are many, are one body, so also
Christ. Truly therefore, in the one Holy
Spirit, we are all immersed into Christ’s one body; Christ’s one body
overwhelms us. This is so whether we are
Jews or Gentiles, whether we are slaves or free, whether we are Quaker or
everyone else. Christ’s body includes us
across divisions. We have all been given
the one Holy Spirit to drink into our whole selves.
“Because a body is one and at the same time has many
members, if the foot says, ‘I am not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,’ is
that therefore true? And if the ear
says, ‘I am not an eye, I don’t belong to the body,’ is that therefore
true? A body needs more than a hand,
more than an eye in order to live. God
has put all the parts together according to God’s best idea and for God’s
“And the eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you.’ Nor
can the head say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you.’ In fact, some of those parts
of the body that seem weaker than others are actually necessary, and some that
embarrass us are worthy of great honor, and some that we think ugly are
actually lovely. The parts WE think lovely are the parts that are strong and
sufficient, without need, but God has commingled the body together and given abundant
honor to the needy, weak, insufficient parts, so that there should be no
tearing, no dissension in the body but rather the various members should care
for and promote the interests of the other members. When one suffers, all suffer; when one
rejoices, all rejoice. Now you are the
body of Christ, and each one has an assigned part.”
Last year, we came to yearly meeting after the letter from OneGeorgeFox
had jarred us into awareness of significant differences in our yearly meeting, chasms
that for many looked unbridgeable. Would we survive as a single yearly meeting,
and if so, what would we look like together?
The past year of tension has been anguish, and yet we have been patient
to see what God will do. This year, the
conflict is still present, and again we will talk about how we are not like
each other as we address the revisions to Faith and Practice. The potential is still here for tearing
apart, for dissension, for schism within NWYM.
We feel trapped in a narrow place.
If we listen well to Paul, we know that this is the exact
moment when the power of God can be revealed through us. This is the crack in
our clay that the light of Jesus can shine into and shine out of. This is the persistent ache in our body about
which God has told us, “My strength is made perfect in your weakness.” We have
the choice individually and as a congregation, as a yearly meeting to lean into
the truth that “God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has
shined in our hearts to enlighten us, to give us the truth that the face of
Jesus Christ shows us the glory, the praiseworthiness of God. And we have this
storehouse of truth in frail, clay containers so that the excellence, the
superiority of the power, the energy to do good things may be recognized as
God’s, not ours.”
There is much good we do. We send ambassadors who take Jesus
with them to other countries. We reach
out for Jesus’s sake with showers, laundry, clothing, and meals to those who
live outside on purpose as well as those who are looking for a permanent home.
We make outsiders welcome in our churches and our communities. We make it possible for young people to
experience the ministry of our camping programs. We help young people go to college and
seminary. We help those coming out of
prison re-enter the outside world. And
we are doing all these things together as a yearly meeting. Each ministry of an individual church is
something we are all doing as part of the body of Christ. We care about and for each others’ churches
as well as the individuals we know and love. We are compelled to share the good
news that Jesus Christ is alive and present today to teach us himself; to share
that we identify ourselves as Friends of Jesus when we do what Jesus tells us
to do individually and corporately; and to share that this Friendship is open
to all. We confess that Jesus is God’s anointed, God and human together in one
person, whose death and resurrection bring us into a family relationship with
God Almighty and with each other.
Let us add to the good we do an affirmation of commitment to
each other, commitment to caring for and promoting each others’ interests,
weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice.
Let us add to our speaking, our doing, our studying, and our
faith the central goodness of love, agape. As Paul wrote, “Love is long-term, not
losing heart, suffering hard times and troubles with patience, slow to anger,
slow to punish; love uses kindness. Love does not boil over with zeal or envy
or anger; love does not brag; love is not puffed up with pride; love does not
act disgracefully; love does not demand its own way; love does not burn with
anger; love does not count up evil. Love
cannot thrive in injustice but rejoices together with truth and openness. Love
protects and endures, love trusts, love hopes, love abides. Love is never powerless, is never without
effect” (1 Cor. 13). Love instead is always powerful, always effective.
As we spend a few minutes in silence so that we can hear
from Jesus, the brains of our outfit, please feel free to come forward to pray
if you want to. I will close this time
with a blessing. After the service, we
will meet in the dining hall for ice cream, after the manner of Friends.
This yearly meeting is where we gather to love each other,
to listen to Jesus together, and to make plans to obey what Jesus tells us to
do. We’re getting ready to take our show
on the road. So…
It’s time to play the music, It’s time to light the lights,
It’s time to get things started on the most sensational, inspirational,
celebrational, Friends-relational, this is what we call our yearly show!
(All scripture quotations are based on Strong’s